Come show with DEC
We are a community and family oriented show barn. Durham Equestrian Club travels with advanced students to locations in surrounding states including shows recognized by the NCHJA. We attend up to 4 larger A shows a year as well as local NCHJA recognized A and C shows monthly. We cater to working parents and arrange everything to help students achieve their goals in a low-pressure supportive environment.
Show Schedule
March 8-10 Triangle Farms
April 19-21 Triangle Farms
June 5-9 Tryon Riding and Hunt Club Charity Horse Show AA
Jul 19-21 Triangle Farms
August 23-25 Triangle Farms
September 5-8 Harmon Classic Charity 'Show' - Tryon
September 27-29 Triangle Farms Fall Fling Indoors
October 25-27 NCHJA Haunted Classic C
November 6-10 Duke Jump for the Children AA
November 13-17 Duke Jump for the Children AA
December 6-8 Harmon Classics C at TIEC
Dec 28th Triangle Farms Holiday A show
More Dates to Come!
Why Show with us?
Healthy competition
Horse showing is a good sport for kids because it teaches healthy competition.
New goals
Having goals to work towards in their lessons gives incentive to improve and rewards hard work.
Shows provide camaraderie having all your clients there supporting each other.
Shows are a fun, confidence-building experience.
Exposure to new environments
Sshowing allows a horse to be exposed to life outside the barn, which prepares him for new environments and accustoms him to different sights and sounds.